
Apr 22, 2014

51 Things that Turn 50 in 2014

  1. Jeopardy
  2. Buffalo Wings
  3. Hess Truck
  4. "Smoking May Be Harmful"
  5. The British Invasion
  6. The Ford Mustang
  7. Sandra Bullock
  8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  9. Plasma Display Screens
  10. Liquid Crystal Display
  11. Dr. Strangelove: Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb
  12. Daredevil
  13. Draft Card Burning
  14. The Underdog Show
  15. The 8 Track Cartridge
  16. Jonny Quest
  17. Moon Photos
  18. "You Really Got Me"
  19. The Adams Family
  20. The Munsters
  21. G.I. Joe
  22. Permanent Press
  23. Carbon Dioxide Laser
  24. U.S. State Lottery
  25. The Good Friday Earthquake
  26. Gilligan's Island
  27. Zambia
  28. Lenny Bruce's Prosecution
  29. Hello Dolly
  30. Nelson Mandela's Prison Sentence
  31. Bewitched
  32. Italy Asks How to Stop The Tower of Pisa from Leaning
  33. Comics Conventions
  34. Flipper
  35. Mary Poppins
  36. The Jackson 5
  37. Lucky Charms
  38. The Houston Astros
  39. Goldfinger
  40. Basic
  41. Sri Chinmoy in America
  42. The Moog Synthesizer
  43. Ali versus Liston
  44. After the Fall
  45. Satellite Broadcasting Live to the U.S.
  46. "Daisy"
  47. A Fist Full of Dollars
  48. The Wizard of ID
  49. The Warren Report
  50. The U.S. Civil Rights Act
  51. Me!
I see that I am in good company and really don't mind the number...after this week I'll just stop talking about it and go back to the age my daughter thinks I am....18! :-)


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